Since June 2013, the central and eastern China have been facing a severe drought. Agricultural experts in China have expressed their concerns over severe drought conditions and that they might damage the rice harvest. The experts also stated that, for now, it is too early to predict if the entire country will be affected by the current condition.

rice crops

Li Maosong, director of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences’ agriculture information office said, “Rice fields in Anhui, Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces have been severely affected by heat and drought this summer”. Maosong went on to say that now is the crucial time to grow rice. The director of Chinese Academy also stated that it is highly essential to keep a close watch on possible loss of grain in 2013, as the long-lasting heat conditions in the country are likely to be the cause of concern and might impose difficulties on local farms.

Sun Hongron, a farmer in Shanghai’s suburban Songjiang district said that extremely high temperatures are greatly affecting rice production. On the other hand, rice planting in 2013 has doubled to 13.3 hectares and it has been estimated that the output from his farm will be 15 to 20 percent lower. The farmer explained that the best temperature for pollination is about 32 C.

Photo Credits: NBC News