Internet retail giant Amazon India announced that it has also started selling computers and its related peripherals for the Indian market. Amazon made its debut in India in May 2013. Since then, the company began stocking up on cameras, mobile phones and other similar items and is now all set to begin the sale.


Amazon claims that it will offer more than 7,000 electronic products which are reasonably priced and has started a collaboration with more than 180 brands. Some of Amazon’s partners include Dell, Lenovo, Sony, HP, Microsoft, Logitech, Acer, Belkin and many other popular brands.

As of now, users can turn to the online shopping site to purchase gadgets like laptops, routers, pen drives, scanners, printers and many more similar products. The Vice President and Country Manager of Amazon India, Amit Agarwal has assured customers that the e-retailer provides a large range of gadgets, as well as convenience with reliable on-time delivery.

Moreover, the online retailer has made it easier for users to chose between products, as the company provided detailed descriptions and customer reviews. On the website, customers can also shortlist items based on their features. Amazon has also said that customers can place their orders for computers through their internet-enabled smartphones and tablets.

Photo Credits: NDTV