On August 29, 2013, the management of Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco) has been criticized by a national fishermen’s organization. Tepco has been criticized over the management of radioactive water which is accumulating at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant and it has been stated that the utility has to act under government guidance in order to handle the situation.
While speaking to Naomi Hirose, the Tepco President, the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations said, “Your company’s radioactive water management has failed”. The National Federation went on to say that they want the issue to be fundamentally solved as early as possible under the leadership of the Japanese government.
Hirose apologized for the recently confirmed leak of highly toxic water from the plant from one of the large storage tanks at Fukushima No. 1. The report also stated that the water has reached the Pacific Ocean. The federation has requested from the utility to put an end to problems which came from the large amount of radioactive water at the plant.
The federation in a statement also said that local fishermen are largely disappointed by the escalating toxic water problem and that they have been waiting to continue their operations. The Fukushima Prefectural Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations has decided to suspend trial operations off Fukushima.
Photo Credits: Examiner