US-based tech giant Apple managed to change the world of home computing with the Macintosh, before the introduction of iPhones and iPads. The popular desktop device – most commonly referred to as the Mac – turned 30 on January 24, 2014 and when it first appeared, it showed the ability to?be controlled by clicking on icons with a ‘mouse’.
After the Mac, the introduction of touchscreens?enabled almost anyone to become instantly comfortable with smartphones and tablets. The Macintosh line of personal computers was introduced 30 years ago and was the center of a legendary rivalry between the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs and the mastermind of Microsoft, Bill Gates.
On this occasion, thousands of Apple enthusiasts are expected to attend a big party on January 25, 2014 in a performing arts center in Silicon Valley, which is close to headquarters of the company in the city of Cupertino. Randy Wigginton, the early employee of Apple said that the Mac was a quantum leap forward. Wigginton went on to say that they did not invent everything, but made everything accessible and smooth.
He added that it was the first computer people would play with and say, ?That?s cool.? The Stanford Research Institute?s Doug Engelbart was credited for inventing the computer mouse in the 1960’s.
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