Auto giant Chevrolet India recalled its Cruz vehicle on September 1, 2016. The company in a statement said that it has undertook a voluntary product recall for a limited range as some of the vehicles have experienced a loss of ignition or engine stall at low vehicle speeds.
The recall is effective on the vehicles which have been manufactured between model years 2009 and 2011. Chevrolet in a statement said, “The inspection and recommended repairs or replacement are estimated to take no more than one hour and the affected Chevrolet Cruze customers will be asked to take their vehicles to their nearest Chevrolet service dealership for inspection with a prior appointment”.
Markus Sternberg, the vice president –aftersales at General Motors India said that they ensure that a potential issue is rectified as soon as possible as a part of their commitment to customer satisfaction. Sternberg assured that this is a voluntary recall and that it does not affect the safety of the vehicle.
Chevrolet is also working closely with the service network to make the entire inspection correction exercise as smooth as possible. The company is also providing an option of pick up and drop service to a residential address.

Photo Credits:  indiancarsbikes