Apart from the holiday shopping season, the shoplifting season for the year 2012 has also begun, as four women managed to sneak out after stealing 53 bras and panties from Battle Creek’s Victoria’s Secret store. The police of Battle Creek said on November 23, 2012, that goods valued at $1,400 were stolen on November 18, 2012, at the store in Lakeview Square Mall at 5775 Beckley Road.

A 21-year-old clerk at the store said that four women in their 20’s entered the clothing outlet at about 5 pm and asked for bra fittings. The clerk then took them to the back of the store, but two of the women stayed on in the front of the store.

By the time the fittings were completed, the other two women had left . After this the remaining women also left quickly and the clerk called security, however, they had all left the scene. Such incidents have become a trend in the area and this happens almost every year.

Tammy Roberts, a spokesperson for Victoria’s Secret in Columbus said, “We take these matters seriously and we work closely and in cooperation with local, state and federal authorities on these type of investigations.”

However, company officials have said that they do not believe these thefts are a trend, but rather an occasional occurrence.