The Indian government’s attempt of digitalization of cable TV seems to have failed, as the deadline for installing the set top boxes fell flat in the city of Kanpur. Cable operators have just installed 52,000 set top boxes during the last fortnight, while around 50,000 more set top boxes are due to be installed.


Cable operators are asking for more time, saying that they are facing a shortage of the devices. The guidelines of the telecom regulatory says that subscribers cannot watch TV channels if they do not install a set top box.

The deadline was scheduled as March 31, 2013 and the government did not extend the deadline, but allowed the opening of analog signals so as to avoid any law and order problems. The district administration also allowed extra time for the cable operators to install the set top boxes.

Cable operators have said that the shortage of set top boxes has slowed down the process of digitalization. Several residents are complaining that they have not yet received their set top boxes, despite making several requests. The district entertainment authorities said that about 50,500 set top boxes were installed in the city in the last 15 days.