Public broadcaster Prasar Bharti is making attempts to revive the popularity of Doordarshan, the channel which lost its charm, as well as viewership, to other private channels. For this reason, the broadcaster will be launching an application which will enable the channel to be watched on a smartphone or a tablet.
The broadcaster is hoping to revive the popularity of the channel by targeting the young audience and Prasar Bharti is planning to launch a mobile application of India’s one of the largest broadcasting organizations. Report from the Times Of India says that the mobile application will feature news and entertainment, along with the access to archival material which can be viewed on mobile phones, tablets and laptops.
One of the sources from the company familiar with the matter said, “The apps for news service will be a priority. Prasar Bharati has an unenviable credible network through the length and breadth of the country that will be put to use. It has the potential of creating its own niche amid the private news broadcasters”. Additional reports have revealed that digitized archival material can also be available on the basis of subscription.
With the launch of this application, Prasar Bharti expects a revenue of Rs. 200 crores from ads with digital media, which will account 25 to 30 percent of the revenue.