Illegal local alcohol has killed more than 100 people and has seriously sickened several others from the slum area in Mumbai. Mumbai police spokesperson, Dhananjay Kulkarni informed that 46 people have been hospitalized and many of them are critically ill after consuming toxic local alcohol.

Police authorities have also said that four men and two women have been booked over the deaths. The charges include poisoning, culpable homicide and abetting a crime. The spokesperson added that eight of the local police have been suspended for negligence. Samples of the suspected liquor have been sent for testing.

The incident took place near Laxmi nagar in Mumbai, which is considered as the financial capital in Mumbai. A crowd of about 200 people had gathered at Laxmi Nagar to see the body of one of the victim Satyavel Nagan Kawander who was brought home. Kawander was a 35 year old laborer who left behind his wife and three children under the age of 11. The locals said that many of them consumed alcohol to deal with the stress of jobs like dealing with human garbage, cleaning gutters and similar work.

Reports say that a bad batch of local alcohol had killed more than 150 people in West Bengal in 2011 and more than 25 people died and 125 were hospitalized after drinking illegal alcohol processed locally.

Photo Credits: dalje